
Balancing Work/Life While Self Employed

Posted by Marnie Hart on 3rd Feb 2023

Balancing Work/Life While Self Employed

Balancing Work/Life While Self Employed

Many of us struggle with the demands of being self-employed. When you're working for yourself it can be hard to know when you need to stop working and when you should keep going. It seems like there's always something else that needs doing, especially if your business is growing or if you have a project that's taking up a lot of your time right now—and this can make it tough to manage work life balance. But don't worry! Being completely self-employed for the past 8 or so years I have some tips on how to stay balanced when everything around you feels out of control.

Set a daily plan and stick to it

If you're self-employed, it's up to you to set your schedule. But that doesn't mean that it has to be rigid or inflexible. You can change things as needed (or even on a whim).

  • Don't be afraid of asking for help when things get busy - no one knows everything!
  • If something comes up that takes priority over work, don't hesitate to take time off; working constantly isn't good for anyone anyway. And, if someone asks how much time they should put in this week because there are so many deadlines coming up... well... maybe consider hiring some extra hands?

Find a place you can work without distractions

The first step to finding the right balance is to find a place where you can work without distractions. You may have heard that silence is golden which for me is true. Some people find it easier to listen to music, podcasts, etc. Try different things that can help you focus.

If you're lucky enough to have an entire room dedicated solely as your office space, then great! Just make sure there aren't any distractions. I work in almost every room of the house but my house is usually quiet.

Don't be afraid to use apps and services that save you time

If you're self-employed and you're feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work on your plate, don't be afraid to use apps. I personally use a photo editing app, a scheduling app to post on social medica and a cross listing app to add things to marketplace.

There are many reasons why this may be a good idea for your business:

  • Saves time on tasks.
  • Freeing up that time allows you to do things that are important to your business.
  • Technology is awesome! It's always fun to learn how to use it to save time.

Structure your day around having certain times for working and others for relaxing

  • Structure your day around having certain times for working and others for relaxing.
  • Work on the things that are most important to you, not just those that are urgent or easy.
  • Don't get caught up in busywork. This is something I'm always working on and I have to ask myself often if the project I'm on is more important than others.

Know your boundaries

You're the boss, so you get to decide what you can and can't do. But if you don't know what your limits are, then it's easy for them to be pushed beyond their breaking point. You'll end up working late into the night or skipping food breaks -- and that's when burnout begins.

Setting boundaries and rules for yourself helps you be productive but also makes sure you have time for rest.

Setting boundaries and rules for yourself helps you be productive but also makes sure you have time for rest.

When it comes to self-employment, there's no such thing as "work/life balance." You are both the boss and employee, so it's up to you to make sure that both sides of the equation are being taken care of. Here are some tips on how:

  • Set boundaries with others: Your friends and family may want your attention all the time, but sometimes they need to respect your schedule if they want any chance at seeing their favorite person again sometime soon! It's okay that not everyone gets all their calls answered or sees every single post on social media (or even reads an email). You're allowed some privacy--and having clear expectations will help keep things running smoothly when everyone knows what's expected from each other.
  • Take time off: It might sound counterintuitive when we talk about taking breaks from work as part of life balance but taking regular vacations is actually good for productivity in general because it gives us space away from tasks at hand so our minds can relax before jumping back into action again.

Learn to say no

Saying no is a good thing, and it's something that many self-employed people forget to do. Saying no helps you focus on what is important, avoid burnout and overwork, and prevents stress from building up. It also means that you'll feel less overwhelmed by the amount of work on your plate.

Saying no isn't easy for everyone--it can be difficult to turn down an opportunity or client if they are offering money or prestige in exchange for your time and expertise--but with practice it will become easier (and more satisfying) over time!

Get out of the house

To get out of the house, take some time off. Anything that is different from your regular routine can be refreshing: try a new hobby or meet up with friends. You could also go somewhere you haven't been before--a restaurant you've always wanted to try, a museum in another city or state, whatever strikes your fancy! For me I take time to go to the gym because I find that it gives me energy and increases my focus.

Relax and recharge

As a self-employed worker, you have the freedom to take time off when you need it and work at your own pace. But that doesn't mean that you should neglect your health or well-being. Taking regular breaks is essential for maintaining balance in your life and keeping stress at bay. Here are some ways that you can relax and recharge:

  • Go for a walk outside (or even just around the block) with no particular destination in mind--just enjoy being outdoors!
  • Listen to soothing music while doing housework or chores around the home; this will help keep your mind focused on what needs doing rather than thoughts about work issues or problems from earlier in the day/week/month/year...etc., etc...
  • Watch an uplifting movie (or series).
  • Read an inspirational book about someone who overcame obstacles similar yours but with greater success because they found inspiration through reading motivational material like biographies written by successful people. I love reading success stories. I find them motivating.

Stay balanced for you and your business.

When you are self-employed, it is easy to get caught up in work. But it's important to remember that there are other parts of your life that need attention too.

  • Set aside time for rest and relaxation.
  • Set aside time for family and friends.
  • Set aside time for work (obviously).
  • Exercise regularly--your body will thank you! You don't have to go overboard with this; even just walking or doing yoga once or twice a week can make a huge difference in how much energy you have throughout the day, which will help keep stress levels down as well!

You should work at the same time every day.

You should work at the same time every day. When you have a routine, it's easier to stick to it, and this will help maintain your balance. I personally don't have a set start and end time but I do have a set of tasks that I complete every single day, usually in the same order.

You should create a morning routine.

A morning routine is a series of activities that you complete each day as soon as you wake up. It can be anything from stretching and doing yoga to meditating or simply drinking a glass of water. The goal is to set yourself up for success by starting off each day with good intentions and positive energy.

A morning routine has many benefits: it helps you get rid of any negative feelings from the previous day, gives you energy for the rest of your day, helps relieve stress, makes it easier for your brain to focus on whatever task comes next, and boosts productivity at work because it sets up good habits!

You should list your goals and priorities.

Once you've listed your goals and priorities, it's time to prioritize them.

  • Make sure that you have time for rest. You can't work 24/7 without getting burned out--and that would be counterproductive! Make sure that every day has some downtime in it, even if it's just a few minutes spent reading or watching TV before bedtime, scrolling on social media.
  • Make sure you have time for fun. You need breaks from work so that when the going gets tough, as it inevitably does at some point during any project or task, there will still be something enjoyable left over for when things get back on track again (or simply because life is too short not to enjoy yourself). And don't forget: Fun doesn't always mean spending money; sometimes just going outside can be enough!

Your life can be balanced!

You can have a balanced life. It's all about setting goals and priorities, having boundaries and rules for yourself, creating a daily routine that includes time with friends and family and even some relaxation, getting out of the house every now and then (or at least taking your laptop to a coffee shop). If you feel like your life is out of balance right now--or if you want it to be--here are some ideas for how to get back on track:

  • Set realistic goals: Don't set unrealistic expectations for yourself. If these are unrealistic, then they'll only lead to disappointment when they inevitably slip off the rails because life happens! Instead try setting smaller day-to-day tasks for yourself instead of trying something huge that takes up all day; this way if anything goes wrong (and let's face it - something always does) then at least nothing major has been lost!
  • Have boundaries: Having boundaries helps us stay focused on our goals by helping us prioritize what matters most at any given moment in time rather than getting distracted by other things which may not be relevant right now but could still affect our ability do well later down line.


I hope you found this post useful. If you have ideas for how to balance work/life when you're self-employed I would love to hear about it!